After entering your flight planning general information you can calculate a flight plan for alternate airports by selecting the Alternates tab 1.
Here you can add your alternate airports by ICAO or look up an airport using the lookup tool icon 2.
The alternate airport Tool will open this window with the option to change the Runway length 3 and the Radius from your original airport 4. Then you can select your airport from the list 5.
You can also select the weather icon 6 to view the weather for the next 24 hours for the given alternate airport selected.
You will see your destination Alternates has been inputted 7. You can also add an alternate airport for take-off by either entering an ICAO or using the lookup tool icon 8.
Then select your Alternate Airport for takeoff 9.
Select Calculate Plan 10 to finish.
Next: Calculating ETPs and ETOPs in Flight Planning >
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