To file a flight plan in Europe first complete the top part of the flight planning information 1. Then select the Calculate Plan button 2.
When you see the EUROCONTROL route validation was successful 13 select the File button 4.
You will need to fill out the popup form 5 which includes your name, phone number, selected handler/airport, and email. You can also include additional emails on this form if needed. Once completed select the Continue with filing button 6.
You will see the new Filing Status as Pending 7, this will update after it is fully processed.
Note: The reason it shows "pending" is that it is sent via email to the European Operation Center (EOC), and our Houston Flight Planning office for review. They will then manually put the plan on file with EUROCONTROL and manage any slots that may be issued. Benefits may include a human review of the route, and UWA will contact the customer directly if there’s a rejection or change required.
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