When adding an FIR boundary to avoid on your flight plan first input the basic flight plan information 1. Then select the Map tab 2 to view the FIRs you would like to avoid.
To view all FIRs first select the Map Layer button 3 then select the Prognosis Charts category and lastly select FIR Boundaries 4 from the list of options.
Find the FIR for the country you would like to avoid, for this example we are avoiding OSTT (Syria). When you are finished finding the territories you would like to avoid then select the Inputs tab 5.
From here select the FIRs tab 6.
Enter your chosen FIRs 7. You can also use the Search FIRs button 8 to search for an FIR.
To search enter the region you would like to avoid 9 then select the Done button 10.
If you see this notification 11, select the Routes tab 12 to re-analyze your route.
Select the Re-analyze Route button 13.
Once completed, select the Calculate Plan button 14.
Next: Performing a GPS RAIM Prediction Analysis in Flight Planning >
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