To perform a ReClear Calculation inside uvGO’s Flight Planning, fill out the basic flight planning information at the top 1, then select Alternates 2.
Scroll down until you see Reclear Calculation and select it 3.
Enter your ReClear ICAO 4, selected your ReClear Waypoint 5, select your flight level 6 and enter your chosen Percent Reserve for Fuel 7 (default is at 10%). Then enter a ReClear Alternate ICAO 8.
After you have entered all your data select Calculate flight plan 9.
Note: If you don’t fill in Route from ReClear waypoint to ReClear ICAO or Route from ReClear ICAO to ReClear Alternate the system will automatically generate a minimum time track to those airports.
Also, if you select Island Hold it takes out the alternate ReClear ICAO and gives you two hours of hold fuel.
From here you can scroll down your flight plan to view your ReClear Calculation.
Next: Performing Fuel Tankering Calculations in Flight Planning >
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