Release Date: 09/19/2024
Flight Planning Sort Order
The Flight Plan List is now sorted with the most recent entries at the top and the oldest at the bottom.
Grouped and Ungrouped plans are sorted by Created On, with the most recently created plan at the top. Plans within a grouping are also displayed, with the most recently created plan at the top.
How to use it:
- Click the Missions dropdown
- Click Flight Plans
- Notice the FP List is ordered from the most recent to the least
Feasibility-IQ Permits Updated NavBlue Message and Aircraft Specs Form Link
When you select a registry that is not loaded in our third-party flight planning database, you will get an updated message so that you will know to upload the AC spec form from the Permits page.
We have updated the messaging when no data is available in Navblue. The new message reads “Please load specs here.” You are also provided a link to the Registry Specs form so that the missing information can be provided for added efficiency.
How it works
- Click Feasibility – IQ
- Select Permits
- Enter the registry in the Registry field
- Click the link and you will be rerouted to the Registry Specs form.
Bug Fixes and Performance Enhancements
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