You can create a Runway Analysis report to include up to 6 alternate Airports, contaminants, shortened runway length by up to 80 percent of TORA, and desired flaps per runway.
- Select Analysis
- Select a Registry from the dropdown list provided (if it is not already present)
- The engine configuration will auto-populate.
Note, If there are multiple options available, select the desired configuration from the dropdown list. - Optional: Select Add to select Takeoff Contaminants from the dropdown
- Optional: Select Add to choose Landing Contaminants from the dropdown
- Optional: Select Add to select additional Takeoff options from the dropdown
- Optional: Select Add to select additional Landing options from the dropdown
- Select to add up to 6 alternates Airports
- By default, Takeoff is selected for your departure airport, and Landing is selected for your arrival airport. Select your desired option
- Optional You can enter the desired temperature for analysis
Note: if left blank, Runway analysis will occur for a full range of temperatures available for that airfield. - Optional: Select to view the current METAR, TAF, and NOTAM for either the Departure, Arrival or Alternate airport
- Select your desired runways, end to shorten, shortened amount, and flaps in this section.
- Select Calculate to calculate your report
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