NOTE: There is a newer capability in Feasibility-IQ that provides both overflight and landing permit information for a given flight route. Learn more here.
Within Feasibility-IQ, you can quickly find the official CAA permit lead times based on your FAR type without reading through the detailed permit information summary.
We’ve also added a permit dataset called: Average Time Confirmed Prior to Operation.
It gives you the average time you can expect to hear back from CAA on your permit request prior to your operation.
Note: This dataset is based on 3-year historical data from all the trips managed through Universal Trip Support and was previously only made available by contacting our teams.
To Access this feature, first, select your airport(s) of interest and FAR type from the main Feasibility-IQ dashboard.
Select the Country tab from the menu options.
Under Country, select Landing Permit.
Highlighted below are the Official Permit Lead Times and Average Confirmation Times.
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